In the room where I sleep … my thoughts overflow.

Let’s just get out of the way the true feeling of Monday.




Now that’s out of the way. How was your weekend?

 Uh huh uh huh … don’t care. Just kidding.

It’s probably not a good idea that I spit venon at the  readers.

I was awarded an award … (what?!?). Are you really surprised?

 I am always spitting out gems,

baging hoes, and all the benjamins.

I am so gangster.

Wait that is not with this award is about!

Its about being sweet!

It’s the Incredibly Sweet Award.

Now the question is … can I do sweet?

Regardless of what I can’t do versus what I still can’t do … there are some rules that I must follow.

1. Display award  (Check)

2. State 5 truths about myself (groan)

3. Give this award to 5 other  people (good riddance)

However first, I need to give  a What! What!  to my buddy Irene. Man do I got you fooled. But seriously folks, she is one cool cat. She says it like it is. She had me at Dear Slutface

So here are MY 5 TRUTHS

  • My favorite color is red.  I have liked that color since I was little. Its the only thing that I like that hasn’t changed.
  • I have prepared the songs I want for my loved ones to play at my funeral. Here is the list. Come on, I can’t be the only one who thinks of these kinda things, am I?
  • I like music way too much. Like I play my iPod in my purse when I am at the store or around the house and pretend its my background music. You know like in shows.
  • I do believe in love at first sight. When I first saw my husband, (I shit you not) I thought, “Oh man I am in trouble.”
  • A perfect day for me would be uninterrupted sleep for a few hours or til I say and then my ass on the tv for the rest of the day. And pizza galore.

Now I gotta bestow the honor to sweet people. However I don’t know any. HA! Wait does Dakota Fanning have a blog?

Seriously, these people are the sweeterner in my life.  They make life taste yummy with the possiblilty of cancer around the corner.

  • Pkitass’s All I Know Is This– Cause seriosuly this might be all she knows. Plus she is funny as hell and she likes me. Double points.
  • The Firecracker\’s Musings Her musings are really sweet. She is so sweet when she tells ya where to shove it and especially like how she will walk all over guys in her knee high boots. Watch for those heels boys!
  • Fnkybee She is sweet. I bet if you taste her she taste like jello shots or something like that. You will find her blog hilariously funny. I promote Fnky.
  • Thypolar Cause we be a team! She is funny and honestly sweet, you know when she is not busting balls at her house.
  • Suicidesal5\’s Blog She makes me laugh. She makes me think and plus she is wicked. And sweet. You see her and think no she can’t say shit, balls, fuck. And she does and its so cute!!

So there it is…  I am sweet … but only for 3 hours of the day. I have to be fed and changed. A nap would be nice too!

Comments on: "Who Knew I Could be Incredibly Sweet … on a Monday??!?" (19)

  1. TheIdiotSpeaketh said:

    Congrats on the well-deserved award! 🙂

  2. Did anyone notice that I was the first one on her list?
    Take that y’all …BAM!!!!
    She likes me more 🙂
    Ha… Haha…ha… Ha

    Anyways thanks
    Now I have two blog post I have to work on.
    Can I send you (Marina) my cliffnotes and you write the posts for me?
    I’m to busy getting coffee

  3. I am so building that extra addition on my house for all these awards! 😉
    First! Congratulations on your award sweet pea..get it? Sweet…Pea. Yeah it’s lame and I’m a dork. Anywhoo. I read your list of songs..Rock’n. I will be at your funeral dancing and head bang’n in the aisles. I like Red too, OMG we are besties now. I’m buying us best friend necklaces, you know the ones where the heart is in two pieces so you can have one and I can have one. I want background music! I am stealing your idea of having it playing in my purse while at the store, I am going to play F*ck You all the way through Walmart.

    I need someone to lick me to see if I taste like Jello Shots because that would be AWESOME! Thanks for promoting the Fnkybee! You rock my world on a daily basis!

  4. I am not sure if having your funeral music ready is morbid or practical…we all die but I try not to think about it.

  5. firecracker3 said:

    Uh, yeah so that part about the boots is totally true, only one guy was actually “into” that so that was more like threating him with a good time…anyway…thanks a bunch! And congrats on your award 🙂

  6. First I must say Thank you girl! Second, I have to tell you that I think you are about the ONLY person that has ever used the word “sweet” when describing me. Thats just AWESOME! I, pain in the ass Thypolar, proudly accept this award on behalf on my sweeter self (currently hog tied and being held captive in the far corners of my mind).

    Your funeral list of music rocks! I have actually sat down and thought about it. What should be played at my funeral? There are so many damn options…….

  7. It’s “gangsta”, ugh you’re such a dork. Birds of a feather………
    I also believe in love at first site! We’re hopeless romantics!
    I love that idea of putting the iPod in the purse! Very cool. I take the dork comment back.

  8. YFR, that stands for you fucking rock. I am pretty amazing aren’t I? I bask in my own awesomeness. Seriously excited. Oh and I don’t know what I think about love at first sight, though my husband swears he knew he was going to marry me when he first met me. I was too pissed at my boyfriend (his future room mate) at the time to notice. That sounds complicated and to clarify there was about a years break-up with he previous guy before I got with my hubby.Don’t judge me!!!! I wish I was organized enough to have my funeral music picked out, all I know is I want them to (as Frida Khalo put it) “burn this judas of a body”.I definitely wants some dancey music and some rock n roll. I want celebration not sad fucking faces.

    Again, thanks for the award. I feel very accomplished and…sweet.

  9. Let me tell you, my favorite truth you shared was this one: •I do believe in love at first sight. When I first saw my husband, (I shit you not) I thought, “Oh man I am in trouble.” I totally can relate, when I saw my fiancee I knew I was in trouble, and that first night I made sure to be an ass to him, but I guess not a big enough one to scare him away. And congrats on the award!

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